Prompt Engineering as a Way of Communicating with the Machine: Interview with Edward Frank Morris, New WFA Board Member

Welcome to an exclusive interview with Edward Frank Morris, newly appointed Board Member of the World Future Awards. Edward’s expertise spans the broad areas of marketing, generative artificial intelligence, and prompt engineering. During our conversation, Edward shared with us his insights on these and other equally exciting topics.

World Future Awards: Edward, congratulations on your appointment as a World Future Awards Board Member. Please tell us how your journey as a user of AI tools started and why you chose prompt engineering as one of the main areas of your professional activity.

Edward Frank Morris: Thank you so much! It’s an honor to be here with you, the other judges, and the candidates. I think it’s important for people to understand what Prompt Engineering is because it’s something we’ll all come across at some point. Prompt Engineering is very similar to communication, except this time, you’re giving those communications to an AI to do very specific things. Nearly every piece of Generative AI we have works in a Prompting-based fashion, and to be good at one area of prompting usually translates into other areas, providing the technology stands on its own. If you’re good at talking to machines, you’ll be good at AI. But if you’re great at talking to it, you’ll be ahead of the rest of the competition.

WFA: For many people, you have already become a guide to the expanding possibilities of artificial intelligence in content creation. But for those who are not yet using AI in business, what can you say about the key benefits that proper prompt engineering provides?

EFM: That’s a great question. I think most people don’t actually understand that the systems they get, whether it’s ChatGPT or similar, are massively underutilized without the correct coaching or upskilling. Most people have the incorrect assumption that how they use ChatGPT or other Large Language Models out of the box is good enough. But to get profound responses that are actually useful requires a lot of Prompt Engineering and creation. The right prompt can save you hours or days of time. The wrong prompt can cost you time. But using AI, generally, is always a net positive.

WFA: What achievements and milestones in your career have had the biggest impact on your expertise?

EFM: I think the biggest one so far has been the LinkedIn Top Voice award. The blue badge next to my name. I never tried to go for it, apply for it, or anything of the sort. I was new in my Prompt Engineering journey, and all I was doing was commenting on people’s posts, posting, and reaching out to other people to help them. Then, one day it just popped up. Validation from LinkedIn and the Microsoft team. A little whisper to tell me I was on the right path. As it would turn out, I was the first Prompt Engineering-specific person to get the award.

WFA: The scope of application of AI tools is extremely broad. What trends and areas of artificial intelligence use do you pay the most attention to in your work and why?

EFM: I think anything that completes tedious, repetitive tasks is worth attention. Don’t get me wrong, Generative AI isn’t 100% of the way there yet, but we are getting pretty close. It won’t be long until a lot of businesses find themselves in a situation where they wish they started adapting or at least considering AI now rather than later.

WFA: How do AI prompts differ from the usual search engine requests? What techniques or strategies help to form correct prompts and build communication to maximize the effectiveness of artificial intelligence?

EFM: I think that’s a good distinction to make. You can certainly use a lot of AI, even like ChatGPT, as a search engine. Asking it for answers to fairly difficult questions that Google or similar would stumble on when asked. But AI Prompts differ from Search Engines almost entirely. Mainly because you can make AI do anything as mundane as drafting up an email, all the way to giving you a psychological evaluation based on the DSM-5. The limits are almost endless.

WFA: How accessible is prompt engineering to non-technical users? Is expertise in coding or other high-tech areas critical for working with AI tools?

EFM: It depends on how technical you want to get with it. For entry-level? Nope! As long as you’re good at stringing together sentences and giving commands? Then you’ll get a good response. On the far more technical side, you can use Prompting with an API from a Large Language Model like OpenAI’s ChatGPT to get very different responses based on other interactive features. That’s where automation starts taking place where, with a click of a button, you can create a workflow that harvests information and then outputs it into several different things in seconds or minutes. All while still using Generative AI.

WFA: You are the founder of Enigmatica. Tell us about the activities of your company and the most exciting projects it has been involved in.

EFM: What we do typically is behind privacy and NDAs. We understand that a lot of companies want their AI and what makes their AI tick to be private. Most prompts are written in a specific way that makes it specific to that company, which allows them to look into solutions such as copyrighting the prompt itself. But our work varies. The company and I have made prompts for medical professionals that help diagnose illnesses or figure out illnesses. It’s made things that cut down massively on legal drafting for law firms. All sorts really. If you’re a firm that is using a lot of hours and resources in repetitive tasks? It can likely be automated by AI. Even the content creation side of things.

WFA: Prompt engineering is one of the most innovative and dynamic fields today. What are the most inspiring changes and innovations you have seen in it recently in terms of prompt design and functionality? 

EFM: I think a lot of people see Prompt Engineering as something that is fairly rigid and programmatic, like coding. But actually, it’s not. There are rules to follow, just like any language, but the beauty of Prompt Engineering is that you’re using plain words to talk to a super intelligent AI that can do most written or analytical things. Now, that’s not to say that you can give an AI two sentences and it’ll build a website – even though you could – but, with the right wording, directives, and lengths, you absolutely could. And with the right amount of creativity, you can make something truly special. Which is why I started the Da Vinci framework and methodology in the first place. To show people the importance of thinking outside of the box.

WFA: How do you see the foreseeable future of prompt engineering? What new opportunities for interacting with AI will evolve, and what challenges might arise?

EFM: We’re on the cusp of getting AI Agents and Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers are becoming more and more important. Ethically implementing this type of AI truly matters. But to make matters a bit more interesting, CAIOs need to have an understanding of how Generative AI and Prompting as a whole work so that they know the ins and outs for their own company. Knowing how it works, how to use it, and all the rest is so important – not to mention that prompt engineering will be massively important if you want to talk from a Generative AI standpoint. Although, sure, the popular narrative is that “AI won’t need prompting in the future!”, I would argue the opposite. How else are you to talk to a machine if you don’t know how to talk? How are you supposed to whisper and control it if you don’t know how?

WFA: What are your objectives as a World Future Awards board member? What do you expect from the WFA nominees, and what advice can you give them?

EFM: My advice to them is to focus less on the technical and more on what you’re giving the customer and end user. Sometimes it’s the most creative and strangest combinations that work best. Think about AI a lot like you would cooking. Roast meat? Logically, you would add salt. Seasoning that is savory. But what truly changed things like ribs, roast pork, or chicken? Honey. Sweet things. So that the savory could sing. The same applies to AI. Do not focus in on coding and making it technically fantastic (although you certainly could), but instead focus in on what the end result is for the user.

To learn more about Edward Frank Morris, visit his LinkedIn profile.

Leading Metaverse Builder Recognized for Innovation in Shaping the Future of Virtual Realities

LandVault, the pioneering metaverse builder, has deservedly received a World Future Awards, in the category of Metaverse Experience. With an extensive portfolio boasting over 100 million square feet of virtual real estate and a track record of nearly 300 completed projects, LandVault has solidified its position as a leading force in the metaverse industry.

Since its inception in 2017, the company has demonstrated a relentless passion for pushing the boundaries of creativity and technology, helping brands flourish in both gaming environments and the metaverse.

LandVault’s distinction lies in its platform-agnostic proprietary technology and a team of over 120 full-time creators. This creative powerhouse empowers clients to craft immersive, data-driven, and optimized metaverse experiences that resonate with audiences and drive exceptional results. From ideation to design, construction, and performance analytics, LandVault seamlessly guides clients through every stage of metaverse development, ensuring that their visions come to life with strategic precision.

At LandVault, they believe that the metaverse represents not only a realm of limitless possibilities but also a means to forge a fairer wealth distribution across the web. Their mission is to accelerate the metaverse economy through cutting-edge technology, providing their clients with the tools they need to not only succeed but also contribute to a more equitable digital future.

Beyond creating compelling metaverse experiences, LandVault is pioneering the future through its technology solutions. By developing tools that scale, democratize, and monetize the metaverse, the company is playing a pivotal role in the acceleration of this digital frontier. The goal is to facilitate interoperability and value distribution, ensuring a fairer wealth distribution across the web while opening new avenues for creators and users to participate in the metaverse economy.

In an era where the metaverse is poised to redefine the digital landscape, LandVault stands at the forefront, leading the charge toward a more equitable and immersive future. Learn more at:

Interview with Dmitry Lashin, Founder and CEO of L-Charge

As the automotive industry ramps up the production of electric vehicles, the issue of convenient charging takes on particular importance. The L-Charge team develops and implements advanced technological solutions to help electric vehicle owners in the most innovative and efficient way. The company’s efforts have received international recognition, and this year it was recognized by the World Future Awards as Best Charging Solution for Electric Vehicles.  

We spoke to Dmitry Lashin, Founder and CEO of L-Charge about the company’s goals and achievements and industry innovations.

World Future Awards: To start with, please, tell us about yourself. What is your professional background, and what did you do before you started L-Charge

Dmitry Lashin: Before founding L-Charge, I had a long and successful career working in both greenhouses and energy facilities. I became a leading greenhouse industry service provider, building energy facilities with power in excess of 500 MW.

Now I’m using this experience to develop technical solutions for electric vehicle charging stations. 

WFA: How did the idea of founding L-Charge come to you? 

DL: I have always believed that the future of the car industry is electric. The fundamental idea behind L-Charge’s inception was the understanding that the global charging infrastructure was insufficient for supporting the quickly growing EV needs.

When we initially raised funding, we conducted a market analysis and found that even in California – the most electric-vehicle-friendly state – people were refraining from using electric cars due to the lack of available infrastructure. Even now, the number of ultra-fast chargers is significantly lower than the number of regular ones, meaning electric car owners must plan their travels around the available charging stations – something that simply won’t do. 

We saw this as an opportunity to enter a new market with novel charging solutions for EV owners. We came up with the idea of creating off-grid, super-fast chargers that don’t require a connection to the mains. We have both a fixed option and a mobile option, which can be called to one’s location like a taxi.

WFA: Tell us about your company. What is the general idea behind it, and what does a normal day look like? 

DL: Our core idea is that electric charging should be fast, future-proof, and accessible anywhere. Electric transportation has achieved widespread use relatively recently, which means that the technology of electric vehicles is rapidly evolving. Yet still, the charging infrastructure can’t keep up with that. While it is true that the charging speed is limited by the car’s capacity itself, it can also be limited by the charging station. With new technologies enabling faster charging for new electric car models, we should have more fast-charging stations ready. And still, many of the charging stations that are built worldwide are slow. 

For instance, there are only around 20,431 Level 3 charging stations in the US according to the S&P Global Mobility report. This will only lead to the need to rebuild charging stations, which is very costly. Installing 10 charging stations with a capacity of 100kWh would require a new infrastructure. Even in developed cities such as London or New York, finding 1 MW of spare energy remains a challenge. Since our solutions are off-grid, we also provide aid to another common problem that is large pressure on the grid by electric vehicle charging stations. 

WFA: Your products and services are obviously extremely sought after by electric transport drivers. In which regions are your charging stations most common, and which regions do you see as the most promising in the near future? 

DL: We are UK-based, but we aim for the global market and have manufacturing facilities in Europe and the USA. We are planning on expanding to other markets like the Middle East. 

WFA: What are the biggest challenges you face in your work? 

DL: The growing needs of EV users outpace the speed at which the global charging infrastructure is developing. At the same time, it is also true that not everyone is ready for drastic changes and improvements in the EV charging industry. 

We are still relative newcomers to the market, in spite of operating in multiple countries, but we plan on scaling up and growing and are committed to demonstrate by example how the EV charging sector can be improved. 

WFA: How do you view the global dynamics of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles? What would you change about it? 

DL: We expect that electric cars will need to withstand higher voltage and faster charging in the near future. Currently, companies such as Hyundai and Kia are incorporating new technology to enable their EVs to handle up to 350 kWt of charging power. Looking at this tendency we would suggest installing more charging stations with higher voltages now, instead of waiting for the need to rebuild the charging stations to suit faster-charging cars. We also believe that we should try to use other green sources of energy instead of heavily relying on the grid to avoid power shortages.

WFA: Please could you describe for us, from the perspective of the average electric car owner, the charging procedure in or out of town. What steps do you need to take in order to use the L-Charge service? 

DL: We try to make our users’ experience as intuitive as possible. The steps for using our mobile charging service are the same for all users, in and out of town: First – download our app, second – select their target location, third – select the location, how much would you like to charge, and convenient time – that’s it, the charger will arrive at the chosen location and allocated time. Payment can be done via our app as well for maximum comfort usage. 

WFA: How close do you think the future of fully electrified transport is? What has the most impact on bringing it closer? 

DL: With grandiose plans for the electrification of transport, and prognoses that there could be as many as 7.8 million EVs on the roads of the USA in 2025, it is also necessary to consider alternative energy sources to provide lasting and pollution-free solutions. Even now, some of the states have reported setbacks in their plans for various reasons, including a lack of electricity grids, equity concerns, and supply chain shortages. While some states like Texas and California have stated that their grid should be able to manage the increased capacity of millions of electric vehicles, some other states are not so certain. In the case of it being impossible to use the capacities available, then sun, wind, and hydrogen energy will be the answer. By doing this, a real and time-proof infrastructure will be built for a changing world. 

WFA: What are L-Charge’s most interesting and promising areas of activity at the moment? What innovations and projects can your customers and partners expect? 

DL: Together with developing mobile chargers and fixed charging stations we are also working on making electric vehicle charging seamless. To charge, all you need to do is plug the charging gun into the car, and that’s it. We will recognize the car ourselves and process the payments even without logging into the app. We are also planning on developing charging solutions for the electric boats. 

WFA: How do you feel about L-Charge winning a World Future Awards? 

DL: Being able to overcome our challenges and continue our production is rewarding. Winning World Future Awards is a one-of-a-kind experience and we are grateful for such a high assessment of our technology. This further gives us the incentive to keep working hard and making our technology better and clearer for the customers.

L-Charge Awarded by World Future Awards as Best Charging Solution for Electric Vehicles

The evolution of electric transport is in full swing, and its further progress depends largely on how the infrastructure develops. The number of charging stations for electric vehicles is growing all over the world, but we have to admit that there are still not enough of them, which, combined with long charging times, causes inconvenience to owners and users of EVs. For this reason, the L-Charge team’s efforts to develop and manufacture scalable and mobile ultra-fast charging solutions are especially valuable. This year, the company’s accomplishments were recognized by the World Future Awards research team, and L-Charge was named the winner in the category of Best Charging Solution for Electric Vehicles.

World Future Awards is a global award selecting, recognizing, celebrating, and promoting the best products, software, and services that will transform the global economy and define the landscape of the future. The organization researches inventions across all categories, including technology, beauty, health care, food, home, and entertainment, that are making the world better, smarter or even a bit more fun.

L-Charge solutions mark a unique approach to electric vehicle charging that provides a significantly more convenient infrastructure for the global operation of electric transport. Thus, L-Charge charging stations are an important component of the foundation for accelerating the mass transition to electric vehicles and bringing the electric future closer.

L-Charge products and services are the result of more than 20 years of research, development, and testing in the field of power generation. The company has been able to develop a platform that is expected to be a game-changer for the entire industry. L-Charge offers powerful ultra-fast charging stations that operate independently of the grid and can be implemented in fixed and mobile formats. Such stations can be used to provide a complete charging infrastructure in a large city or a rural road network.

L-Charge stationary chargers are self-contained, modular power plants that generate electricity with a generator and use liquefied natural gas and hydrogen as fuel. The brand’s mobile chargers are also self-contained power plants, functioning on the basis of vans, which can deliver the option of charging to any location on request. Delivering high power from 300 kV to 2,000 kV, L-Charge chargers meet the growing needs of individual and commercial customers for fast charging and contribute to the popularization of electric mobility. Receives World Future Awards Recognition for Innovative AI-powered Business Solutions Platform

For most businesses, success is the success and satisfaction of their customers. Generations of entrepreneurs, analysts, and marketers have been looking for ways to attract customers, retain them, and provide the most favorable experience possible for continued, mutually beneficial collaboration. Today’s information technology has made it possible to approach this issue with a whole new vision and tools. When it comes to enthusiasts who are changing the industry and expanding business opportunities, deserves the highest praise for its product. The innovative platform, designed to increase companies’ revenues by intelligently working with customers through the use of artificial intelligence, brought a win at the World Future Awards in the category of Best AI-powered Business Solutions Platform.

World Future Awards is a global award selecting, recognizing, celebrating, and promoting the best products, software, and services that will transform the global economy and define the landscape of the future. The organization researches inventions across all categories, including technology, beauty, health care, food, home, and entertainment, that are making the world better, smarter or even a bit more fun.

It is already obvious to entrepreneurs who are keeping up with the times that competent work with data transforms business and allows you to bring its efficiency to the next level. demonstrates how applying artificial intelligence to customer data is creating the conditions for long-term, mutually beneficial collaboration and shaping the business landscape of the future. has been helping companies create customer risk profiles using artificial intelligence since 2020. The team created a platform that analyzes information about companies’ customers and uses a system to identify weaknesses in customer relationships, prevent customer churn, and increase revenue through smarter renewals & upsells. empowers teams to scale, prioritize, and make decisions that help customers succeed.

The team is responsible for proprietary machine-learning models that deliver unprecedented functionality. Based on quantitative and qualitative customer data, the platform continuously provides intuitive insights into options to prevent churn and drive revenue growth. ensures the security and confidentiality of all data; information is protected by key management services and audit logs. Wins World Future Awards for Delivering Best AI-Powered Customer Experience

In a rapidly changing world, effective communication largely determines the success of individuals and large businesses. Keeping up with the time and technology, new innovations are appearing in the field of communication methods, which take the interaction between business and consumers, as well as between employees to a new level. The development of conversational channels has provided the opportunity to create a new type of experience, and has brilliantly seized this opportunity. This pioneering conversational artificial intelligence platform offered the perfect tool for automated on-demand service, which received recognition from the World Future Awards and was named a winner in the category of Best AI-Powered Customer Experience.

World Future Awards is a global award selecting, recognizing, celebrating, and promoting the best products, software, and services that will transform the global economy and define the landscape of the future. The organization researches inventions across all categories, including technology, beauty, health care, food, home, and entertainment, that are making the world better, smarter or even a bit more fun. offers an innovative solution that has already shown its great potential to increase the level of interaction between businesses and consumers as well as between employees of companies. The platform is already a leader in more than 50 countries around the world and is changing the digital user experience for the better on a global scale. is the world’s leading enterprise-grade conversational AI platform, created in 2016 using the best of human and artificial intelligence. The platform was created to ensure that with the growth of digital users, enterprises have a functional and inclusive tool that provides intuitive and real-time service. In an era of high social engagement, mobility, high competitiveness and speed of decision making, has become the ideal solution for transforming and scaling the customer experience.

Through the use of Dynamic AI Agents, delivers human-like interactions, increasing customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. The platform functions via more than 35 voice and text channels, supporting communication in more than 135 languages. This effectively solves real-world problems, including increased customer satisfaction, reduced support agent costs, and higher upsell/cross-sell rates.


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